Discover how Data Science & AI are building HR muscle to align businesses
As the business and work evolve, explore the risks and rewards of enabling AI & Data Science in talent management, recruitment, DE&I, L&D, and other HR functions.

Discover how Data Science & AI are building HR muscle to align businesses
As the business and work evolve, explore the risks and rewards of enabling AI & Data Science in talent management, recruitment, L&D, and other HR functions.
What We Do
We are helping leaders reimagine HR through the lens of AI and Data Science. Our views, insights, and ideas connect your vision with optimized people agenda and workforce-related insights with tangible data-driven outcomes.
A deep dive into how AI and data science are reimagining HR. Our latest views, insights, and ideas on the issues that matter most.
Reimagine HR through AI lens
Catalyst AI
How Data Science is powering all things HR
Catalyst Data Science
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Hire Right
Why we consistently attract highly skilled technology talent with pinpoint accuracy?
Hire Right
Why we consistently attract highly skilled technology talent with pinpoint accuracy?